WALK ME DOWN THE AISLE SERIES: Episode 7: It’s getting Real : god-parents and a “surprise party” – 25 days

Yeah its 3 weeks 4 days left and it’s really getting real. I now have this feeling of “can’t wait for this day to come and go” whether that is a good or bad thing I don’t know. But I think it is more as a result of having put in so much into planning for a day and now you get to the point when you are just waiting for the day to arrive…yeah that is where I am at the moment.

Two things happened this past week both pleasantly surprising. First Valo, Tendai’s cousin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Iyvana on Friday the 20th of March.  It came as a surprise to both of us when she whatsApp Tendai to say she just gave birth, Tendai laughed and said yeah nice joke, you still have a couple of weeks to go. Then Valo sent a picture of the baby and Tendai still thought could be someone else’s baby then she send a picture of herself and then we knew it was true. The baby had come a couple of weeks earlier so took us by surprise but it was a pleasant one.

Baby Iyvana

On Saturday 21st, the happy parents made a request of Tendai and I. They want us to be the god-parents of baby Iyvana. I love the name and its meaning which a little research made me understand has Russian and Hebrew origins and means “Gift of God”(Hebrew) or “God is Gracious”(Russian). I am so specific about names…I think names do have a great influence on how the kid will turn out in life. So I was glad with the name choice by the parents…Iyvana is just an apt name for this princess. We both were so humbled by the request to be god-parents of Iyvana. It was one we could not say no to. Valo is one of Tendai’s sisters who I sort of clicked with even before we met. We connect on level higher than I do with most of Tendai’s relatives. She is also really close with Tendai. Nkulu, Valo’s husband is also very good friends with Tendai so we already had a very good relationship between us prior to now.

When I first heard the request I was quite for a while. I walked into the kitchen and found a couple of unwashed plates and proceeded to wash them…as the water run through my hands into the sink and my hands went through the motions of sponging, scrubbing, rinsing and cleaning the plates, my mind switched into processing mode and I was weighing the implication of saying yes, the responsibilities that come to saying “yes we accept”. I don’t take such responsibilities lightly. I can be that serious sometimes.

I thought of my own god-mother and how she cares for me like her biological son and doing this on a consistent basis, daily…praying ,caring for, encouraging, cautioning me. Now If I say yes then this is what I will expect Tendai and I to do same and even more to Iyvana. It was an emotional moment for me. I know I want to say yes but I had to contemplate carefully all the responsibility that comes with that and also make Tendai understand same before we give a yes. If we know we won’t be able to do that to the best of our ability then there is no point saying yes.

Tendai understood the weight of what we were considering and agreed with me it was immense but confessed her willingness to accept the new responsibility. With this, we called Valo and Nkulu to accept the responsibility. So officially guys I am now a god-father and coming at this time. 3 weeks to my big day only made me realize how real this new territory I am walking into is. Am I excited? absolutely!! I am thrilled and so is Tendai…and so is Iyvana who is so cute by the way…just like her parents and god-parents 😉 I will keep you posted on here on her development. I won’t be seeing her in person for another few months though which is sad as they are in Zimbabwe and with all the plans we have ahead of us, getting a free slot to visit Zimbabwe will take a few months.


On Saturday the 21st, friends of Tendai in Cape Town decided to throw a surprise bridal shower for her. Since it was a surprise, they needed to rope yours truly in the plans 😀 so that is how I got involved in the plans which began a few weeks ago. My ultimate plan was to deliver Tendai at the venue and make sure up until the last second she remains completely unaware of the plans going on.

Now Tendai has always bragged that I can’t lie to her. She is certain she has known be so well to tell immediately I tell her something that is untrue and to some extent she has proved it to me and I had vowed to prove her wrong at the right time, a promise she had laughed off. So this was a perfect opportunity for me to prove my point and men o men I did a good job! I had to give myself a pat on the back. I sold her a story which she bought easily and swallowed hook, line and sinker!!

Bride to Be
Bride to Be

The day came and it was a very successful event. Tendai is still talking about it. She had no idea that was planned and she loved every bit of it. She gave me a 10/10 score for my role too by the way so I have redeemed some of my pride in that department. I understand the friends and family in Zimbabwe are also organizing a bridal shower for her next week when she is suppose to be in Zim. Well, I will keep you posted how that goes.

But on Saturday after dropping Tendai off at the venue and left. It again got me thinking…this is getting real!! the final balls are falling in place and the final phase in this journey has started, its 24 days to go and Bridal shower down. The décor of the venue had “Future Mrs. Wala” written…when I saw pictures it made me smile. For real this thing just got real. I love Tendai and I can’t wait for that day when I shall stand before God and men to declare my love to her and take those vows that will bind us for life!!

Bridal Shower

Bridal Shower

Away, Back and In-between


Hello guys, it’s good to be back, Well, I am back…after a long unplanned break….I feel like starting with a few excuses but not I won’t give any…I will rather tell you what I have been up to through the period I have been away…but too will be too much to squeeze into a single post…so this is what I will do, I will give highlights then take it from there on my next post which should not be too far off from today…

So between the last time I made a post and today (*Thinking*)…yes I have gone through more than a few life lesson classes…and I grew older…but wiser…yes, it was my birthday on the 3rd of May…I should have made a post that day…no I actually should have made a post on the 1st of May, and the 2nd too…ok what I mean to say is I should have posted on each day of the month…I had made that promise but I failed again…see, my list of lessons is building up!!! Phew!!

Well, I am back and determined to make it up…I have all the experiences of the past few weeks locked up in my mind…some of the memories saved as strings of words, others saved as pictures, still others saved as motion pictures and others saved as sounds…I promise to share them all with time…and like my favourite radio DJ would say, “Keep your dial here”…I feel like saying same now :-D.

Besides my birthday and failing to write over the past month, I have also had to do abit of travelling within and outside of South Africa…now that is one interesting part…if you have not been to Zimbabwe and plan to visit that lovely country in future, you will want to read my “Zimbabwean Epistles I&2. If you also plan to visit South Africa, I am sure you will be interested in knowing that a visit to Mzansi is not complete without touching the mother city (Cape Town)…now among the million and one fun things to do in Cape Town, is an experience of the night life in one street with a special name: “Long Street”…you will love my “A Long Encounter with Mama Africa”.

Love!!!! Yes Love…Ok now I got a love song…I found love and you will be told the love story from the eyes of a young, daring, naughty, caring and bullish Taurus…Phew!!! Now I hope I won’t regret saying that later on… :-).  I also had this encounter with a couple of ‘too clever’ babies, toddlers, kids…one thing about me, I gave a super soft spot for babies (and dogs)…I can’t wait to have mine and now that I have found love, I hope that won’t be in the distant future from now…well, before then I will dish you my encounter with these really clever kids… and tell you what I think of the kids around us.

I am back…and as you can see the experiences and stories that will come with me after the long break are juicy…and I hope worth it. I am back again and I am here to make open up and again make myself vulnerable. But I am also back to learn and grow…to earn my first next grey hair 🙂 .